Quick Wins to Modernize Service Booking App

Quick Wins to Modernize Service Booking App

Quick Wins to Modernize Service Booking App



In an effort to regain momentum with a small team after a company downsize, I designed several small modernized and improved UIs across that app that could be implemented within one sprint, but still have higher impact.

Business Objective

Increase team productivity, efficiency of resources, and customer retention by focusing on small stories that can be released quickly.


Outdated Design and Few Resources

As our customers are primarily in the service industry, our company took a hit during the pandemic which resulted in mass layoffs. With such limited resources for large scale UX updates, I led the effort to review the product for any low effort, higher-impact projects to include with each bi-weekly release. Below are just a few of those quick wins.

Quick win #1

Upcoming Appointments List

Several areas of the product were designed by developers a decade ago and lacking in design principles, hierarchy, and mobile friendliness. The list of upcoming appointments on a client’s profile page is one such area. This update primarily involved reformatting the presentation of information in a responsive manner. This small update brought in positive feedback through customer service interactions.

Quick win #2

Client View: My Appointments

The primary goals in the client side view were to modernize the design, provide the most relevant information, and eliminate the redundancy. Users had been noting difficulty with the book again section in particular. Updates involved adding features to book new appointments (weekly deals and explore), grouping services by day and business, adding appointment location, and arranging book again options by business rather than service.

Quick win #3

Subscription Payment Page

The goal of this page was to improve the hierarchy of information. We had had an issue with customer accounts ending up in pending cancellation because they forget to update their cards before the billing date. Updates involved removing the large card about the unlimited plan, which does not provide particularly useful information, and rearranging the order and visual weight of the remaining information and UI elements.

